
Hi! I’m Devon MacLeod, Anthony’s training apprentice here at Montecito Dog. My parents always knew I would have a career with dogs, although I was thinking more like giraffes or elephants. My parents, and destiny, proved to know better when I met Anthony shortly after graduating from UCSB.

Now each day is full of challenges both for the dogs that we work with and for me. In every adventure along Cold Springs trail, in the ocean at Butterfly Beach or wrangling 10 dogs along the Santa Ynez River, I am honing my skills.

I am a trainer and a dog handler and a cross species communicator. I am constantly seeing and learning something new with Anthony as he works his magic.

Note from Anthony: I am daily amazed at Devon’s composure and her competence around our dogs. She just has a way of solving any dilemma, keeping the dogs safe and orderly. I am so blessed to have her on my team and you will be too.

