I’m Anthony Sorosky, owner and founder of Montecito Dog Inc. I grew up roaming the hills and beaches of Goleta and Santa Barbara back when there were no leash laws. My dog just ran freely as I biked. I wasn’t the one looking for him, he was the one making sure not to be left behind. Fast forward, now I am here in Montecito spending my days with the best kept dogs, these privileged pups. My first lesson on the beach is still asking my people to stop following their dog and let their dog follow them. The best thing you can do on the beach is to have your dog “think” that he has lost you.
I was introduced to the dog business as a trainer at Camp Canine, my family’s business. I am eternally grateful for everything I learned there and endlessly blessed to be able to make my living here on the beautiful beaches and within the refined foothills of Montecito.
I have no credentials, I have no degree and I am not a trained behaviorist but through the years I have trained thousands of dogs and their people. What I do have to offer you and your dog is my experience, my insight, my caring heart and my successful results. On these I have built my career. My reputation in the community speaks for itself. Please, ask around.
Many of my thoughts, ideas, and techniques originate from outside experiences accumulated over a lifetime of great trainers sharing ideas. I have complied and modified their wisdom to create my own unique training style. I think you will find that it is unlike any other. To everyone who has had an impact on where I am today, I owe a great debt and gratitude.